Hello Points Workshop



Vítejte do světa Points of You© Na tomto úžasném jednodenním WS objevíte naší metodologii, přístup a nástroje. Zažijete sílu unikátní formu komunikace a získáte nové dovednosti ke svému profesionálnímu know-how. Po ukončení WS se stáváte Points of You© Explorer.

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Creative Practice Workshop



Na tomto energií pulsujícím workshopu plném osobních zážitků a praktických znalostí získáte metodu, kterou můžete ihned integrovat do své každodenní práce. Připravte se na 2 nabité dny technik, postupů a kreativity s třemi nástroji Points of You©: The Coaching Game, Punctum a Faces.

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Turning Point Program



Points of You® is a language, a way of life. Music, phototherapy, mindfulness and story-telling are just some of the engaging ways that will give you a deep understanding of the Points of You® method. Enjoy 5 days in inspiring locations, with delicious healthy food and unique, beautiful people from around the world.

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Top View Program



Once a year we select a small team of outstanding Experts from all over the world to participate in a one of a kind workshop. Top View Program dives deep into the Points of You® DNA as a brand, as philosophy, as way of life. An uplifting experience of climbing up to the top of the mastery mountain of Points of You® facilitation. This journey explores identity, presence, leadership, performance and a true calling.

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